
Parking Tickets, be gone.

We get tickets dismissed and save you money.


Parking Tickets, be gone.

We get tickets dismissed and save you money.


How it Works

We fight tickets on your behalf. If it's dismissed, you save 50% on the fine. If it loses, no fee for fighting but we'll auto-pay the ticket for you to avoid late fees.

3-5% auto-pay fee just to cover credit card charges and city payment fees


Upload your Ticket

Take a picture of your ticket and tell us why it should be dismissed. Your work is done!

Our Experts Fight It

Our parking experts form the best possible defense and fight on your behalf. Our experts get up to 60% of tickets dismissed.

You Save 50% on Fines

If the ticket wins, you save big time. If it loses we will auto-pay the ticket so that you avoid late fees.

We currently only service Chicago.

More cities coming very soon. If you'd like to see another city supported, let us know which one and we will get on that ASAP!

Copyright © 2016 unTicket All Rights Reserved

Have any questions or feedback? Drop us a line.
222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza
Chicago, IL 60654
P.O. Box 3111